
Zaban Night Shelter

Jennifer Edds and Myself making artwork for the resident's rooms
Volunteer work is very important- to me. And while I think it should be innate to everyone, I understand that not everything is everyone's cup of tea.Social works I believe creates an understanding (sometimes) of a life outside your own. It allows perspective and selflessness that is crucial to the character and perspective of an individual. Wholly, it's important to my personal life as well as professional- avocation versus vocation I remind myself daily. There are things you do as a job, to pay bills and support a lifestyle, and there are things you do as hobbies and sometimes to fulfill the passion an indivudla possesses. Fortunately and unfortunately, I live with the ideal that the two can coincide. Everyday I search to live authetntically both in vocation and avocation. 

Volunteer Photo
Now, to get off my soap box and onto an organization that is just doing wonderful things-
The Zaban Project.

The Temple Zaban Night Shelter is a shelter for the homeless. Unlike other shelters I've been in contact with, this one sparked a note because of their users and the people behind the project driving it home.The Zaban house is located directly across from SCAD Atlanta on Peachtree St.  The mission of the project is to provide shelter for homeless male and females without children.

Did you catch that? Unlike other shelters that focus predominately on individuals of minority groups, or to families of a general area, or anyone who find themselves walking in the front door- this shelter focuses on couple. COUPLES.

When I found that the users were this, I was so inspired. A place that looks passed the obvious obstacle of couples using this as a brothel, and instead takes the leap to cultivate and nurse the partnership of two homeless people. I find this incredibly inspiring. The hopeless romantic in me finds solace that there are lovers out there who can find support in beautiful missions such as this.
Our group went into the shelter and taped off on the floor where
the furniture should sit. It was space planning- quickly. There were
currently a storage shelving unit in each of the bedrooms (22 in total rooms),
and we were going into account for the position and size of the bed
shortly entering the space. By us going in and providing this information,
we were able to provide our skills of circulation, views, and space
planning and allow the movers to efficiently move the furniture
in without having to deal with orientation.
Additionally, the bedrooms were provided with artwork that was
designed by the volunteers. I found this to be inspiring as well
(this project is INCREDIBLY inspiring in their mission and in their efforts).
The fact that the designers of this space provided these couples with
artwork not only uplifts the environment but
shows the importance of art as a value.
Phase 2 of the project is being proposed now. Phase 1 was the residential spaces. Phase 2 entails an office, kitchen, dining area, and computer room. These public spaces are ppossible because a contractor volunteer their time to the project.

More details on the update soon!

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