
It inspires us > We admire it > It teaches > We study

"There is no man-made technology that isn't already known to nature and, which is used there, usually, in a more intelligent, more efficient and in a more environmentally friendly matter" - Hartmut Muller

We talked about diagrams in class today and something Professor Robinson said strung a note with me. There was an example vocalized about a man who derived his inspiration to allow more light into his buildings, from the answers seen in his own hand. By examining how light could potentially enter between each finger, the architect found answers for his problem.

The major aspect taken from today's lecture was in asking the question of "how do we do this?" The initial question asked once a problem is established.
So... Define your problem. Do to this we-
1. Isolate key issues of value
2. Study analogous situations
3. Develop solutions for part of a problem and situate this into a whole

My attention was caught on point #2

Analogous situations (like the architect who found answers in a simple solution- his hand) are solutions found from things around us. I studied a similar concept that I find beneficial and similar in effect. It's bio-mimicry.

Biomimicry is like innovation inspired by nature. I really connected with this idea because there is a natural fascination harbored that I have for nature.What i've drawn from this is the pattern that follows....

It inspires us > We admire it > It teaches > We study

In our studies of analogous situations, we can look to bio-mimicry for answers. Nature has for thousands of years sorted through issues unbeknownst to us.  It has naturally adapted and evolved to the surroundings put before them. By closely evaluating the problem at hand and asking yourself
how does your design create conditions conductive to life?
Can this design adapt & evolve?
how can this design be improved?



Anyway... There is so much out there to investigate further on this issue.
Here is a link to better exemplify this idea >>>


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